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Writer's pictureEric Tangumonkem, Ph.D.

You can make a difference

Published on April 7, 2020

You may feel incapacitated because of the enormity of the misery and suffering in the world. Like most of us, you don't think that there is much that you can do to make a difference. There is a part of you that wants to do something, but you don't know where to start because of the enormity of the problem and the potential of being defrauded of your hard-earned money.

The question that most people ask is, "how am I sure my money will get to those who are in dire need of it?"

This is a legitimate question that MUST be asked by anybody who wants to make a difference in the lives of others. Because it is a waste of time and resources to give your precious resources to people who say one thing, I do another.

This is an invitation to make a difference in the lives of people that are sharing this planet with you, but you may never meet them.

Yet what you are going to do is going to bring hope, healing, and restoration to many other people. You may be wondering why I have written this in the first place. Here is why:

When I was a litter child growing up in West Africa, I heard about Mercy ship (  and their work among the less privileged. My village was located far away from the coast of Cameroon, but when the mercy ship docked in Douala, the news spread, and people will come from all over the country to be treated "free of charge." This was more than 30 years ago, and they have not stopped moving across the globe and bring hope, healing, and restoration to the sick poor and marginalized. Their service is "free," but we all know that nothing is free because it costs a lot to run a ship, maintain a crew, and provide medical care. Then enters Emmanuel Ambassa, a Cameroonian who growing up, was always passionate about machines and derived great pleasure from fixing things and studying the way they work. And has decided to use his skills to serve on Mercy Ships. This will provide a feasible inroad for him to join the maritime industry and gain invaluable experience while also giving back to the world. In preparation for this assignment, he obtained the necessary education. In essence, a Bachelor of Science degree from Regional Maritime University (Marine Engineering) and additionally immersed himself into serving God through missions work with Mercy Ships onboard the Africa Mercy vessel currently docked in Dakar, Senegal. His role with Mercy Ships began in December 2018 (Guinea, Conakry) as an "Engine Hand," which plays an essential role in the daily operations of the ship. In 2019, he was promoted to an "Engine Rating." Missions volunteers like him must pay to serve. It sounds unique, but most missionaries sustain themselves through the generous funding of people just like you who believe in either our non-profit organization or church. Miracles have kept him afloat, and he has been blessed to witness God provide for him through different people and in ways he could never have imagined.  To continue on this path, he must raise $12,000 in funding to continue his service through 2020. These funds will help pay his monthly crew fees, required medical insurance, hygiene/clothing/miscellaneous monthly costs, cross-country travel, etc. When Emmanuel reached out to me, I was excited that he was volunteering to make a difference in the lives of other people, even though he did not have a lot. I contributed to his course. Then it occurred to me that asking other people to help him out will make a big difference in his life and the lives of those he is serving. Would you consider joining us in bringing hope, healing, and restoration in the lives of the poor and marginalized? Click here to donate to Emmanuel's fund! Thank you for putting action to words and for being the change you desire to see in the world. Help us share this with others so that they, too, can have the opportunity to make a difference in Emmanuel's life and the lives of others. It is not about the size of the gift but the spirit of the gift. Any amount will help! Dr. Eric Tangumonkem is a geoscientist, author, speaker, coach, professor, and a entrepreneur. He was born and raised in Cameroon, Africa. As a young adult, he migrated to the United States of America. He has a Doctorate degree in Geosciences from the University of Texas at Dallas and is a professor at Missional University, Embry Riddle, and West Hills College. As President of IEM Approach, a premier personal growth and leadership development company, Dr. Tangumonkem’s mission is to inspire, equip, and motivate people from all walks of life to discover God’s-potential in them live it, and maximize their giftedness. To do this, the growth and development of the body, mind, and spirit MUST be in synergy. He has published several books and resources on personal growth and development and conducts public workshops, coaching, and custom training programs for companies and organizations worldwide. Available for speaking engagements: If you want to invite Dr. Tangumonkem to come and speak you can all him using this number 214-908-3963 or email him at

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