If you are not facing a tough challenge right now, it is only a matter of time before you will be thrown into one. The issue is not about, how you get into a tough place. It is about how you respond when all hell breaks loose. Even the most successful people still have to deal with how to stay at the top. For what takes you to the top may not necessarily be enough to keep you at the top. That is why you have to continue learning. This involves questioning the statuesque and making the necessary adjustments.
Remember when it "seems" there is no hope, know there is hope and keep pushing. There are always two realities, hopelessness and hopefulness, the outcome depends on what you chose to focus your energy on. Chose to be hopeful today and carry on no matter what!
Don’t forget that difficulties will make you a stronger and better person. How can you give hope and inspiration to others when your own life was handed to you on a silver platter? This is not possible! Gold has to be refined through fire, for its brilliance to shine forth. It takes tremendous pressure to form a diamond. If the diamond could speak, I think it will cry out during the process. You are a diamond in the making, do not short circuit the process. Hang in there and you will be glad you did
Remember that everything that has a beginning has an end. You may be facing a seemingly impossible situation, but the end is closer than you think. It is often said, “It gets darker before dawn.” Take some time to focus on the possibility that your pain is momentary and will eventually come to an end.
Dr. Eric Tangumonkem was born and raised in a caldera on the Cameroon Volcanic Line. He is a geoscientist with extensive experience in the oil and gas industry; an author, educator, and entrepreneur. Currently, he teaches for Missional University, Embry Riddle, and West Hills College. He is also the President of IEM Approach a premier personal growth and leadership development company based on the infinite wisdom revealed over the ages. His mission is to inspire, equip, and motivate people from all work of life to find their God-given purpose, pursue and possess it. He also educates people on, Life Insurance, Disability Insurance, Annuities, Long Term Care Insurance, Wellness Programs, and Tax-Free Retirement Plans.
You may be wondering the why you are between a rock and a hard place. You might have asked, what is the point of all these challenges? According to Paul de Apostle, “We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Some good is going to come your way, so don’t give up! When the going gets tough the tough get going!
Dr. Eric Tangumonkem was born and raised in a caldera on the Cameroon Volcanic Line. He is a geoscientist with extensive experience in the oil and gas industry; an author, educator and an entrepreneur. Currently, he teaches for Missional University, Embry Riddle, and West Hills College. He is also the President of IEM Approach a premier personal growth and leadership development company based on the infinite wisdom revealed over the ages. His mission is to inspire, equip and motivate people from all work of life to find their God-given purpose, pursue and possess it. He also educates people on, Life Insurance, Disability Insurance, Annuities, Long Term Care Insurance, Wellness Programs and Tax-Free Retirement Plans.
He is the author of Coming to America a Journey of faith. This is a truly inspirational story of his migration from Cameroon to the United States of America. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JJP3YKK/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_x_P-sKzb82G3Y1X via @amazon
The IEM APPROACH is a holistic way of life; the physical and spiritual must be in synergy for real, lasting, and sustainable success.
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