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The life of Jesus Christ: The defeat of racism and the way forward Pt.1

Writer's picture: Eric Tangumonkem, Ph.D.Eric Tangumonkem, Ph.D.

Where was God when Joseph needed him the most? Where was God when the Africans caught their own brothers and sold them to foreigners? Where was God when all the despicable things were being done to the African slaves in the new world? How could God allow such wickedness to go unchecked? How could a loving, merciful, and good God allow such evil to be perpetuated?

I do not have any answers to these questions other than to say that it seems God must have been where he was when his own son Jesus Christ was being tortured, mocked, and brutalized by Roman soldiers. Jesus Christ had not committed a single crime, yet he was tried and condemned for no reason whatsoever.

When I was a little kid, I had a hard time understanding the meaning of Good Friday. How can the untimely death of a 33-year-old man on a bloody Roman cross be a “good” thing? How can death be good? How can defeat be a good thing? What good can come out of false accusations, jealousy, and hatred? These and many other questions plagued me as a kid. Good Friday cannot be good!

The unjust condemnation of an innocent man was handed down by one of the greatest “kangaroo courts” on the face of the Earth based on trumped-up charges by zealous men with wicked intent for selfish gain.

The man under trial was betrayed by one of his close confidants who sold him for money. After spending three-and-a-half years with his master and teacher, he knew where to go and get him. This confidant was entrusted with the “treasures”, and he betrayed his master for 30 pieces of silver.

He led the soldiers, the High Priest, and the elders to the garden of Gethsemane. There, he identifi ed his master by giving him a kiss. Yes! The kiss of betrayal which eventually led to the crucifixion of his master on a wooden cross by Roman soldiers.

During the trial, the accused man had no lawyer and no defense. Charges were levied against Him from all sides. Some people slapped Him on the face and others spat on Him. He was mocked, taunted, humiliated, and whipped in the public square for no reason.

During this whole ordeal, He did not struggle to defend himself, although He could. He did not try to free himself, although He could. After all, was He not a miracle worker? Had He not turned water into wine, fed 5,000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish? Was He not the one that raised the dead back to life?

His only chance of being freed was squashed by the very public that had benefi ted from all His good deeds. The people He healed, fed, delivered, encouraged, and comforted rejected Him. The people preferred a thief and murderer (Barabbas) to an innocent man and asked for the guilty one to be released instead of the innocent one. They shouted, “Crucify him, crucify him!” when asked if the innocent man should be released. The crowd was so worked up and agitated and demanded the blood of an innocent man.

Pilate, the Roman governor, had the power to set this innocent man free but chose not to because of political correctness and the desire to protect his job.

He washed his hands and failed to take responsibility for his actions. How can this be? How can such injustice be done so callously?

You will be surprised by what people will do when it comes to advancing their own agenda, when it comes to climbing the corporate ladder, winning an election, getting a promotion, and a raise.

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