I was reading an article this morning about the confessions of a smartphone Thief. The author described the circumstances surrounding the young man as follows, “Greg had doubts before making the grab that day. He hadn’t been in trouble for 18 months, although he had two prior stints in juvie for noncriminal charges. There were a few violations here and there — remnants from falling in with the wrong crowd while growing up in a housing project.
But he thought about his 9-month-old daughter. He didn’t have a job, and his mom had been diagnosed with cancer two months before. The family was squeezing every penny from her disability check.” (https://www.yahoo.com/tech/confessions-of-a-smartphone-thief-101677365014.html)
There was a lot going on in this young man’s life and he thought to steal to meet his needs was justifiable. How many people justify their actions? Sadly enough many people do.
They fail because they focus intently on their problem and the problem develops a life of its own.
The more you focus on a problem the bigger the problem becomes and the higher your chances of becoming desperate and doing something irrational.
The fact that you are facing difficulties is not a justification to break the law.
To prevent failure you have to refuse to give yourself a break, get rid of all the justifications, and refuse the easy way out. Let these words of Paul the Apostle encourage you, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”
There is always a way of escape and you have to look away from your problem for this way to become clearer. Look away from your challenges today and you will be amazed by all the other possibilities that are surrounding you.
Interested in my own failures, check out www.erictangumonkem.com
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