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New Resolutions are Useless

Writer's picture: Eric Tangumonkem, Ph.D.Eric Tangumonkem, Ph.D.

For many years, I set new year resolutions and failed each year. At the beginning of the year, I will say something like: I will be a better person this year, I will get angry less I will do more good works I will stop doing this or that Some people promise to do some of the following: I will stop smoking I will stop drinking I will stop lying and cheating I will stop shacking I will stop stealing I will go to the gym more I will lose weight I will be more prosperous this year I will have better health this year, The list can go on and on. Unfortunately, all that has been listed are wishes that will not come true. These wishes fill 99% of the time because they are not based on anything. There is no compelling why, no time frame, no strategy. In short, these wishes will fail because they are not SMART! If you want to get any results in 2021, you must become SMART. In order words, you need SMART goals. o Specific (simple, sensible, significant). o Measurable (meaningful, motivating). o Achievable (agreed, attainable). o Relevant (reasonable, realistic, and resourced, results-based). o Time-bound (time-based, time-limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive). [1]

Here is how we can turn a wish into a goal. I will like to lose some weight in 2021 becomes. I will lose 20 pounds by December 31st, 2021, by running 3 miles a day five times a week for the entire 12 months in 2021.

Here is an example of a terrible Goal: I will run 10,000 miles in 2021 because it is an exciting thing to do, and it will help me lose weight. I will try to run as many miles as possible over the weekends and whenever I feel like running. To succeed, you MUST simplify whatever you want to do and put in the time and hard work necessary for you to get the desired results. One of the most critical ingredients is consistency. When you are consistent, the law of compounding will kick in for you along the line, and you will move mountains. Instead of having new year wishes, set SMART goals, and by the end of 2021, you will be amazed by how much you have done. Consistency pays huge dividends.

I did about 113,150 push-ups in 2020 because I averaged about 310 pushes every day for 365 days. I ran 1,664.8 miles because I ran five days a week, rain come shine. Dr. Eric Tangumonkem was born and raised in a Caldera on the Cameroon Volcanic Line in Cameroon West Africa. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Geology and a minor in Sociology from the University of Buea in Cameroon, a Masters in Earth Sciences from the University of Yaounde in Cameroon, and a Doctorate in Geosciences from the University of Texas at Dallas. Besides being a geoscientist with extensive experience in the oil and gas industry, he is a teacher and an entrepreneur. Currently, he teaches at Embry Riddle and West Hills College. He is also the President of IEM Approach, a premier personal growth and leadership development company based on the infinite wisdom revealed over the ages. He is on a mission to inspire, equip, and motivate people from all walks of life to find their God-given purpose, pursue, and possess it. He is married and has five children. Available for speaking engagements: If you want to invite Dr. Tangumonkem to speak, you can call him using this number 214-908-3963 or email him at Support this Channel: Subscribe for daily holistic, inspirational updates! for daily holistic, inspirational updates! Are you Interested in resources that work? Click here:

#inspiration, #productivity, #thanksgiving, #happiness, #leadership, #health, #exercise, #iemapproach, #drtangumonkem, #hope #perseverance, #determination, #courage, #patience, #character [1] MIND TOOLS. (2020, December 31). SMART goals: – How to make your goals achievable. Management Training and Leadership Training - Online.





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