You need to see the light in the eyes of the children, feel the energy in the room, and hear the excitement in their voices as they connect to foundation of our civilization and way of life.
The children have every reason to be excited because geology truly inspires! "
We are part of the rock cycle," I proudly declared and the students took a second look at their hands when I made them understand that we have minerals in our bodies that come from rocks. After probing them for some time they identified that our bones and teeth are hard. I went a heard to connect the dots for them. "We get the calcium in our bones from cow milk and the cows produce the milk after they eat grass. The calcium that gets into the cow from the soil got into the soil after rocks break down. After we are done using the calcium and many other elements that we borrow from the rocks, we have to give it back."

Our civilization and modern way of life is possible because of our ability to explore, exploit, and transform natural earth resources. How will anybody not be excited about the foundation on which our civilization is built on?
I too got excited about geology when I was in middle school and heard that geologists look for gold and diamonds. Voila! I was going to be a gold and diamond hunter. This little spark grew into an insatiable desire to learn more about geology, and inspire others to do the same. My quest for more made me travel more than 8000 miles from my country of birth Cameroon to the United States of America to attend graduate school. This inspirational journey is well documented in "Coming to America a Journey of Faith"
Last week was career day at one of the Dallas schools and I was called upon to share with the students what geologists do.
This was an opportunity of a lifetime to engage the students and inspire them about the crucial place geology occupies in our lives and the important role it plays.

The presentation was more than just talking about crude oil, natural gas, drilling, and the importance of all the other natural resources we depend on. It was about what inspired a young man to grab a single suitcase and embarked on a journey to the United States of America without any money. Nothing could stop him from learning more about the geology.
The students were left with this,
"Never let anybody tell you anything is impossible or that you cannot achieve anything. I am standing here as a living testimony of the power of believing that everything is possible. When I was your age I was running around in an Africa village with no shoes, sitting in a classroom on a dirt floor. But all of you already have some much going for you and will be unstoppable if you set your mind on anything you want to achieve."
How you start does not matter, what matters is how you end. Therefore, do not allow your past to rob you of your future. Just like metamorphism causes rocks to adjust you have to keep adjusting and changing because change is the only constant. If you do not change you will get crushed.
Dr. Eric Tangumonkem was born and raised in a Caldera on the Cameroon Volcanic Line in Cameroon. In addition to being a geoscientist with extensive experience in the oil and gas industry, he is a teacher and an entrepreneur. Currently, he teaches at Missional University, Embry Riddle, and West Hills College. He is also the President of IEM Approach a premier personal growth and leadership development company based on the infinite wisdom revealed over the ages. On a mission to inspire, equip, and motivate people from all work of life to find their God-given purpose, pursue, and possess it. If you are interested in his other works they can be accessed here: #inspiration #gratitude #holistic #success #motivational #drtangumonkem #Leadership #faithbased #iempress #author #speaker#professor #undeterred #unbeatable #unstoppable#inspire #inspiration #geology
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