A boy was walking with his dad on the beach and they came across thousands of fishes that were stranded on the beach. Many of the fishes were dead while some were desperately gasping for air and waiting for the inevitable to happen. The boy noticed that his father occasionally, indiscriminately and randomly picked a fish and threw it back into the water. He wondered why his dad was leaving thousands of other fishes to die. He asked his father what difference will a few life fishes make; what about the other thousands that are left to die?. His father told him he was aware of the thousands that could not be saved, but it means the whole world to the few that are given a chance to live again.
Complaining is an indication that you are aware something is wrong, that things can be better. Complaining becomes a dead-end when you become incapacitated by the enormity of the task. When inaction becomes your "modus operandi".
You are being presented with an opportunity to do something that will solve a problem. You will be putting a smile on the face of a kid. Thank you for refusing to let inaction to win.
. Sustainability will be achieved through revenue-generating programs. § By raising educational standards of the elementary school; we can attract fee-paying students from the surrounding communities§ Production of crafts by the orphans can be sold locally and abroad§ Raising chickens and pigs for the local market will generate income for the orphanage
The idea to start an orphanage was conceived by Rev. Zadock Mugri in 1983. HOTPEC Orphanage began operation in 1995 with three children, a few wooden buildings, and no support from external donors. It has been a labor of love for the past 20 years. At inception, there was no electricity, tap water, or basic facilities. Currently, the orphanage has more than 140 children. The wooden buildings have all been replaced with upgraded structures and the orphanage has electricity and water. There is still much to be done to keep this dream alive and sustainable. GOAL: We want to provide sustainable and transformative elementary education to the children at the orphanage. Your kind donation will help provide school materials, student tuition and other education related expenses. Our goal is to move from #charity to #sustainability. Sustainability will be achieved through revenue-generating programs. § By raising educational standards of the elementary school; we can attract fee-paying students from the surrounding communities§ Production of crafts by the orphans can be sold locally and abroad§ Raising chickens and pigs for the local market will generate income for the orphanage

Thank you for joining us in keeping this dream alive and for making it sustainable.
The IEM APPROACH is a holistic way of life; the physical and spiritual must be in synergy for real, lasting, and sustainable success.
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