A happy new year and my prayer for you is that 2020 will be a year in which you will maximize one of the most important resources you have, time. The good news is that you are going to have the same amount of time for this year like everybody else. This will be about 365 days, 8,760 hours, 210,240 minutes, and 5,045,760 seconds.
If you were told that each second could be turned into a dollar, you would do all to turn your 5,045,760 into $5,045,760. You will be a millionaire by the end of the year. It is unfortunate that most of the time society has conditioned us to evaluate our millions only in monetary terms. This should not be so! Money is not everything and should not be the only measuring rod. If this was the case only the rich and wealthy will have the mean, and purpose in life and will be the most contented and happy people. We all know that the truth is far from this. Money and material well-being do not equal good health and happiness. Although money can help facilitate other areas of life, it should not be the only metric we used to measure our worth.
We know that all the money in the world will be useless if your health is failing and there is nothing the best doctors and medicine can do for you. The high divorce rate in our society is a testament to the fact that money alone does not guarantee successful relationships.
The futility of money was also highlighted by this crucial question posed by Jesus Christ of Nazareth more than two thousand years ago;
What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Mark 8:36
In other words, your soul is more valuable than all
the money in the world. That is why in 2020 it will be wise to invest your 5,045,760
seconds in a way that it will make you a
millionaire in the following areas:
1) Spiritual millionaire: There are many different religions and faith persuasions out there and if you are not a person of faith you should consider investigating the different faiths and practicing one. You are more than flesh and blood, and your soul will live forever. So you should not forget to invest some time in taking off your soul. Jesus Christ of Nazareth who asked the profound question above is the only person who died and resurrected and is living today as we speak. He declared boldly, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6. God is His Father and to get reconciled to God you must go through Jesus Christ. There are many different gods, but to God to the God Jesus Christ is referring to you MUST go through Him. 2) Health millionaire: Your health needs some investment as well. Can you imagine if you decide to cut out sugary drinks from your diet throughout the entire year? You will be amazed by how much weight you will lose and how healthy you will be. How about committing to making healthier eating choices or say walking one mile each day. By the end of the year would have walked 365 miles. Let’s say you decide to do 50 pushups each day by the end of 2020 you would have done about a whopping 18,000 pushups.
3) Relationship millionaire: Do not chase money and fame at the expense of those that mean the most to you. When the time for heavy lifting comes the people that will stand by you are your loved ones. Take time to smell the roses in your life. It is OK during this year to invest some of the 5,045,760 seconds in building relationships. This is maybe as simple as writing a love note, making a phone call, paying a visit, and taking a minute to hug a hurting or lonely love one. Make up your mind to be a more compassionate and patient listener during 2018.
Let 2018 be the year you became a multimillionaire in different areas because you chose to invest the best gift given equally to all humans to the best of your ability. It is up to you to make 2020 a happy one, get started today.
If this made any sense to you, there is a chance that some other person can benefit from it, so share it.
#healthandfitness Dr. Eric Tangumonkem is a geoscientist, author, speaker, coach, professor, and an entrepreneur. He was born and raised in Cameroon, Africa. As a young adult, he migrated to the United States of America. He has a Doctorate degree in Geosciences from the University of Texas at Dallas and is a professor at Missional University, Embry Riddle, and West Hills College. As President of IEM Approach, a premier personal growth and leadership development company, Dr. Tangumonkem’s mission is to inspire, equip, and motivate people from all walks of life to discover God’s-potential in them live it, and maximize their giftedness. To do this, the growth and development of the body, mind, and spirit MUST be in synergy. He has published several books and resources on personal growth and development and conducts public workshops, coaching, and custom training programs for companies and organizations worldwide.
Available for speaking engagements:
If you want to invite Dr. Tangumonkem to come and speak you can all him using this number 317-975-0806 or email him at eternalkingdom101@gmail.com
The IEM APPROACH is a holistic way of life; the physical and spiritual must be in synergy for real, lasting, and sustainable success.
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